Weekly Golf Tip – April 26, 2020

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, a self-confessed duffer, was quoted as saying “Playing golf is an ineffectual attempt to put an elusive ball into an obscure hole with implements ill-adapted to the purpose”.

In my mind, this is what attracted me to the game, the undeniable challenge and feeling of accomplishment when I succeeded. As for the “implements ill-adapted to the purpose”, I would like to remind everyone that technology has greatly enhanced golf clubs since 1913 and personally fitting them to you has become an art.

I recently purchased a Putter Fitting device called Capto, which attaches to your putter and feeds data into a computer to precisely determine what your putting stroke looks like. Then, based on data collected working with hundreds of Tour Professionals, recommends a putting style that will roll your ball more effectively. I also acquired a Putter Bending Machine that will adjust the putter you have now to fit your new putting style. Amazing, if they had invented these machines back in 1913 maybe Mr. Wilson would have had a different take on the great game of golf 🙂

Weekly Golf Tip – April 26, 2020