Weekly Golf Tip – April 5, 2020

In putting, the only thing we as players have control of is the line our golf ball starts on and the amount of energy we put into it. I am sure you have heard “line and speed” many times, but this week we are going to focus on line. “Every putt is straight for the first 6 inches” – I heard that somewhere and it makes sense to me. Since we are sheltered in our homes currently, I highly suggest working on your putting, and more specifically the line your ball starts on.

Here is a good drill to work on, in your home and on the carpet. Place two books on either side of the path you are taking with the putt, 6 inches out, and try to roll your ball through the gate without hitting the books (see pic). I also like to place a book outside the takeaway path so my stroke is slightly in to down the line. That’s it – hit the putt, hold your finish for 3 seconds, repeat!!!



Weekly Golf Tip – April 5, 2020