Weekly Golf Tip – July 19, 2020

Finding a Golf Instructor Who Fits

Golf is a wonderful game for many reasons, so the first thing you should do is find an instructor who meets your priorities. If your wish is to have fun, find an instructor who is funny and outgoing. If location and time are important to you, choose one close to your home or office so you can practice regularly. If your goal is to someday be a scratch golfer, then find a “scratch instructor”.

This may sound obvious, but if you are not seeing the results you had in mind, maybe you and are headed in the wrong direction. Go to the range and hit 10 balls. If you are not able to hit any of the balls well you may need to change what you are doing. If you hit 4 out of the 10 well you just need more repetition. If you hit 8 out of 10 well you need to start playing in tournaments. Of course, defining “well” will need to be set first because beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.

I think of myself as a scratch instructor because I played the game at the highest level and feel that I know what it takes to play there. One of my strengths is the ability to identify vigor in a student’s game and design drills specifically for individual weaknesses. If you are looking for direction, stop by Encinitas Ranch any time and we can chat or email me at thegolfmason@roadrunner.com.

Weekly Golf Tip – July 19, 2020