Weekly Golf Tip – June 21, 2020

In my mind, one of the beauties of the game of golf is the tradition of sportsmanship and integrity. Sportsmanship is the fair and generous behavior or treatment of others and integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, both wonderful traits I feel are being lost in today’s society.

Etiquette in golf is being courteous to your fellow players, giving them space to do their work and congratulating them on a job well done. It sounds like great advice for life as well, don’t you think?

Next time you visit your local golf course for a round of golf please remember to conduct yourself in a gentlemanly or ladylike manner, the game of golf and the people you are with will appreciate it. This does not mean we can not have fun, on the contrary, a good laugh at a futile attempt to hit a golf ball in the air is part of the game.

Weekly Golf Tip – June 21, 2020